Offer Clients Intuitive Control with Savant Systems 

Savant System Savant System Los Angeles, CA

Offer Clients Intuitive Control with Savant Systems 

Builders can stand out from the competition with luxurious home automation

High-end homeowners have begun to expect that their homes come with smart technology that adds unparalleled convenience to their lifestyle. They want lighting, security, audio-video devices, shades, and more easily controlled with the push of a button. Builders are now installing systems from leading home automation companies like Savant to meet these demands from discerning homeowner. Savant Systems are the leading technology platforms embraced by builders in Los Angeles, CA, because they offer homeowners five unique ways to manage their technology. 

 SEE ALSO: Build The Ultimate Smart Home With A Home Automation Company

Savant App

The most common way to control a Savant system is from the homeowner’s smart device of choice! Open the user-friendly Savant app on a smartphone or tablet and access smart technology at home or on the go. They can check to see if the HVAC system is in energy-saving mode, turn lights off remotely, and unlock the door when the kids get home from school all from the office.

Savant Pro Remote

Savant Pro Remotes blend the classic feel of tactile buttons with a sleek touch screen for fluid control of the home’s devices. Clients can choose from various modern colors and customize the screen to access their most-used devices and apps easily. It’s easy for them to make changes to the settings as their needs change. With the tap of a button, they have access to smart locks, motorized shades, AV devices, climate control systems and more. 

Voice Control

One of the most sought-after technology features for luxury homeowners is voice control. When coming home with an armful full of groceries, they want an easy way to turn lights on without putting them down. Instead, they could have the convenience of just using spoken commands! Savant works with popular voice control systems like Amazon’s Alexa,, Siri, and Google Home. Say, “Alexa, turn on the ‘Welcome Home’ scene,” and the lights will turn on, the air conditioner will leave energy-saving mode, and your shades will open.

Metropolitan Keypad

Light switches can do more than turn just on and off. Savant’s Metro keypads are stunning, integrating seamlessly with your interior design. In addition to adjusting the lights, they can activate custom scenes created in the Savant app. For example, homeowners can press a button labeled “Movie Night” that dims the lights, closes the shades, turns on the AC, and starts the movie on their audio-video system.

Savant Touch Screen

Savant touch screens can be mounted on the walls or propped on a stand on an end table or counter to enjoy the intuitive interface of Savant’s app in a more accessible location. A sensor will awaken the screen when you approach it, displaying every room of the home. Choose a playlist to play on a whole-home audio system, turn on the air conditioner, dim the lights, or change the channel.


To learn more about our smart home services and builder partnerships or schedule a complimentary consultation, contact PROJECT: automate today.

By Joshua Trevithick

Founder and CEO at PROJECT: automate

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