Real Estate Brokers: Why Your Properties Need Smart Security

Home Security System Home Security System Los Angeles, CA

Real Estate Brokers: Why Your Properties Need Smart Security

Stand out from the competition with innovative solutions that bring peace of mind

Real estate brokers know how important it is to stand out from the competition with innovative property features that impress potential clients. The demand for smart homes is rising as homeowners look for properties that offer added convenience, comfort, and safety through integrated technology and automation.

One of the major ways you can prepare your homes to be sold is by ensuring they have a smart security system. Read on to discover how a smart home security system can add appeal, convenience, safety, and privacy to your Los Angeles, CA properties and ultimately put more money in your wallet.


Remote Access

A smart security system allows your clients to have eyes on their homes no matter where they are in the world. Whether they are at work or on vacation, they will be able to pull up both live and archived HD footage of their home on their smartphone, laptop, or tablet to ensure their home is undisturbed and secure. Additionally, with just a few taps using the same app, they can check to see if their doors are locked, their lights are off, and their thermostats are in energy-saving mode. If an entry needs to be locked or a light turned off, your clients can easily make those adjustments remotely within the app.

Video Doorbell

Video doorbells make it easy to answer the door from the comfort of the couch or anywhere in the world! Your clients will receive a push notification on their smartphone or tablet when motion is detected on the front porch or if someone rings the doorbell. Then, they can pull up the video feed and see and speak to their visitor through a two-way microphone, quickly unlock the front door from the same interface so their visitor can come in or delivery person can place their package safely indoors, and then lock the door again with another tap.


Smart lighting control integrates seamlessly with smart home security systems to provide additional protection and convenience for your properties and potential buyers. Using their smartphone, tablet, or a universal remote, your clients can easily adjust every light fixture both inside and outside of their home.

They can also schedule their indoor lights to turn on and off throughout the day when they are at work or out of town, simulating that someone is home and discouraging potential criminals from targeting the property. Additionally, outdoor lights paired with motion sensors also improve peace of mind: If someone comes close to the house, bright floodlights will scare off trespassers!

Finally, clients will safely return home after dark with help from automated porch and foyer lighting that turns on once it detects they’re in the driveway.

PROJECT: automate has served the community for over 20 years as one of the largest installers of security systems, smart home systems, and more. Give us a call at 310.402.4818 or fill out our online contact form to learn how you can partner with our team. We would love to hear from you!

By Joshua Trevithick

Founder and CEO at PROJECT: automate